5 Killer Ideas on How to Use Done-For-You Content
In order to get the most from your done-for-you content, it’s important to know how to use it.
There are so many ways you can use licensed content within your business. Some will work much more effectively than others depending on your target audience.
To help get you started, below you’ll discover 5 killer ideas on how to use done-for-you content effectively.
Idea #1: Add It To Your Blog
One of the easiest and most effective ways to use done-for-you content is to add the content to your blog. You’ll already be receiving a set number of blog posts included with the pack, so it makes sense to use them for what they were designed for.
Instead of posting the blogs as they come with the PLR pack, it’s worth it to personalize and make little tweaks to what you get in the package.
There is no rule behind using PLR content exactly as it is. You definitely can do that, but to get the best results you want to make sure you’re adding part of you into the content.
It’s always a good idea to make the content your own.
Once you’ve created the blogs, you can share them through your social media.
Idea #2: Use It In Social Media
Over the last few months, I’ve been adding shareable done-for-you social media posts in my customizable content, but you can also use blog posts or other content to get the social media content you need.
You could use the blog posts exactly as intended but you could also use it exclusively for your channels. All you’d need to do is take small snippets from the content to place on social media as tips.
When I’m using pieces of content for social media I’ll read through it and anything that resonates with me or jumps out I’ll share on my social media. This is a great way to know what is important and that you should share.
Also, you could use it for your blog and social media platforms. You’d do this to develop a stronger relationship with your followers, attract new ones and ultimately help you to build up your brand.
Due to how often you need to post on social media to
stay on top of your business and make people remember you, this is a great way to
provide frequent yet useful updates without spending hours searching for ideas.
The length of the PLR blogs ensures you’ve got more than enough content
snippets to use for weeks.
Idea #3: Learning Guide For Your Audience
A lot of the done-for-you content that is sold been well researched and that means they make great learning resources for you audience such as guides, eBooks or short courses.
You’ll find that this method tends to work quite well. Your audience wants content which provides value and serves a purpose. So, if they can learn something from it in a guide format for example, you’ll find they’ll be much more loyal to your brand.
You could also share the content as more of a resource
in a specific niche. It can take a long time for businesses to learn about a
topic for example. So, if they can learn everything they need to know through
your content they’ll keep coming back.
Idea #4: An Irresistible Offer
Have you heard of irresistible offers?
You’ll need several to be able to have people subscribe to your list, plus if you talk about multiple topics you’ll want at least one for each topic.
Did you know you can offer the done-for-you content for free with personal-use rights as an incentive to your audience?
This is one of the main reasons that I’ve combined the blog posts into a report for your convenience in a lot of my done-for-you content bundles.
By doing this I’m taking a lot of the work off from your shoulders. All you have to do is download, personalize the content, rename the report, go into the Canva template change the name and colors and then save the report or guide as a PDF.
You’re saving HOURS of your time and you’ll be able to offer an opt-in for your audience.
Yes, the blog posts and eBook or report will be repetitive, but some people prefer to get all the information right now instead of clicking to each of your blog post links.
Plus you can use it as an opt-in with a landing page – so people wouldn’t even go to your blog until they’ve started receiving emails from you when you share.
Even if you posted the blog posts they won’t always be on page one of your blog, so having more than one way to reach your audience with the same content is a great business strategy.
Idea #5: Create a Podcast Episode
Don’t back away quickly! ? Hear me out.
Podcasting is an amazing way to get your message out there. There is plenty of opportunities to use the content you purchase in written context, it’s a great idea to mix up the media and that means different forms such as podcasting.
Before you decide against doing this – think about this…
People love podcasts because they find it much easier to listen to than to read through a blog post. I know this is the case with me. I have a very active life – running my business, homeschooling, going to homeschool activities, cleaning, errands, grocery shopping, etc.
I like to listen to podcasts or business audiobooks while I’m doing dishes.
Creating audio from a blog post or done-for-you content can be a little bit tricky because you don’t want to sound like you’re reading.
Here’s What I’d Do:
Personally, I’d print the pages I want to use, read through it, write down the main points and any subpoints you want to go over, read through it again and then press start.
Don’t read through it while you’re doing the audio. Have confidence in yourself and your topic. You’ve got the jist of what the content is about, you have the main points and the subpoints you want to go over on post-it notes or piece of paper, so just go for it.
When I’ve done this, what happens is that resources, stories, and different ideas come to me as I’m talking. I want to make sure they get into the audio because they are part of who I am and bring value to my listeners. If I was reading this wouldn’t happen.
You could actually do a two-for-one here. Create a video (with PowerPoint slides work) and then once you’re done strip out the audio.
You’ll need the right software to help you do this, but you’ll easily find what you need online.
Above is a very small selection of killer ways to use done-for-you content.
To get the best results you’ll want to focus on more than one way to use done-for-you content and products. Experiment with a few different methods and see what works best for your business.
P.S. I’ve got over 200 done-for-you products that you can use to create any of these ideas. Take a look and get something up today.
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