5 Power Tips to Improve Your Blog Post Writing When Using Done-For-You Content
Do you struggle to get your blog post to generate enough traffic? Although there are many reasons why this might be happening, it could be down to how you’re actually using your pre-written content.
The first step is to make sure to buy top-notch content. This is the number one way to help you improve the quality of your blog and the content that you’re adding to it.
On Niche Starter Packs we strive to create high-quality done-for-you content for our customers. You can find ready to use content in the Business, Health, Personal Development, and Lifestyle niche.
But the question is, how exactly can you improve it?
Below, you’ll discover 5 power tips to improve they way that you use your done-for-you content on your blog and get results.
1. Practice Writing Blog Posts As Much As Possible
In life, the only way to get better at anything is to practice. This is definitely true when it comes to blog writing, it is also true with using the done-for-you content you have.
The more you write and practice using brandable content, the better you’ll become.
So, make it a habit to write every day.
You can start with a small goal like 500 words a day – but eventually, you’ll want to aim higher like 2000.
The more you practice using your done-for-you content the better you’ll become and it’ll become second nature to use it in your business to save time, get content up quickly and earn more money.
2. Split Up The Content In Your Blog Post
How readable are the blogs you add to your site?
If the ready to use content that you’re purchasing you tend to use long paragraphs or long blocks of text, then you’re likely putting your readers off coming back for more.
It’s really important to make sure that the content is split down into easy-to-read sections on your blog post.
This is easy to do. Look at the paragraphs in the content you’re getting and remember that you only want two or three short sentences in each paragraph.
I usually go through and after every third paragraph, I’ll hit enter. Most times it works with the content. Sometimes this doesn’t work – but it works more than it doesn’t. 🙂
Another way to break up the content is to:
- Add subheadings
- Include images
- Create bullet points
To create subheadings I usually read the paragraph and decide what the main point is – then I’ll add a subheading based on that. Normally I’ll add the main point and then move to the next one.
After I’m done adding all the main points – I’ll come back and come up with the subheading title. As I’m going through the content the first time my main focus is to get the subheading points not come up with a title.
At Niche Starter Packs in a lot of our bundles, we provide bonus royalty-free images that you can use. We scour Pixabay for related images so that you don’t have to. But if they just don’t work you can use free images or one that you’ve paid for.
I also mentioned you can add bullets to your blog posts. These are one of the easiest ways to break up your content. The bullet point you see above was actually a list. I created a brief heading introducing the topic, add a bullet before each list item, and then add a sentence that talks about the list of items.
All of these will help break the blog content up and make it more visually appealing. Not only that but it’s going to be impacting its performance.
So, make it a habit to split up the content as much as possible each time you use done-for-you content.
3. Effective Blog Writing Means Reading More
Did you know that reading can boost your writing? Sign up to other blogs that interest you and read more books.
You’ll start to learn from the writers you admire.
Look at how they write, the type of language they use and the way that they lay the information out. This will really help you to discover new words and writing styles that you can use in your own blogs.
Plus all of these blogs and books can be used as references for your list. When you’re working on a topic and think “Oh I just read about that” you could link to it.
If it is a book you’re linking to you could earn affiliate commissions but even if it isn’t – you’re helping your audience get a better understanding of the subject matter you’re writing about.
Also, when you link to it write a brief overview of what you read and what you thought about it. That way your audience will understand why you are linking to it, why it is important and why they should check it out.
You’re showing your expertise by being informed.
4. Keep It Short and To The Point
When you’re trying to use your done-for-you content, it can be tempting to add what’s known as “filler content”.
This is basically just words that make up the word count of a post, without adding any value to it. You don’t want to do this.
Instead, you should be making sure that every word you write adds something to the ready to use blog post.
Try to keep the sentences as short as possible. While longer sentences are perfectly fine every now and again, the majority of the content should be short and concise.
This is similar to the short paragraphs.
To put this into practice, go over a piece of private label rights (PLR) content and see whether each sentence could be shorter and punchier. The more you can shorten it by removing unnecessary words, the better quality the blog will be.
Before you try this make sure to go through the content first and add your voice into it with stories, opinions, and resources. You want to add a part of you into each of your done-for-you content pieces. This helps brand yourself.
5. Always Proofread
How often do you proofread your work after you’ve taken the time to add your voice to the done-for-you content?
PLR takes time to use. It is a shortcut to creating content but to make it effective you’re going to have to spend time on it.
But after it’s taken so long to use the content and put the above tips into practice, it’s easy to sign it off right away to be done with it.
However, unless you proofread, you could be publishing a blog packed full of mistakes.
While Microsoft word may help with basic proofreading, it doesn’t always pick up on every mistake. So, it’s worth investing in tools such as Grammarly, which will detect the majority of errors you might have missed.
Grammarly is one of my favorite tools. I often forget that I have it on because it integrates with my computer. I love to get weekly insights. They are fun to read.
Plus it helps me with my grammar. :0)
Don’t just look out for errors either. Proofreading gives you the chance to see whether you could have written something in a better way.
You can tweak the blog to make sure it’s easy to read and tighten it up so that it contains only the most relevant information.
Following the power tips above will really help you to strengthen your writing and the way that you use your done-for-you content.
Creating a great blog post does take time whether you use brandable content or start from scratch. Therefore, you need to be willing to put in the time and effort required if you want to improve your skills. You won’t regret it.
P.S. We have top-quality done-for-you content that you can practice on…and get up on your blog quickly.
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