How to Combine Free PLR With Paid & Design Your Product Funnel

Do you know how to combine your done-for-you bundles to make the most of them? Sometimes you’ll purchase several and then you’re not sure how to bring them all together effectively.

I’m going to give you a few ideas in this article.

Use This Funnel Design Planner Resource

The first product that I want to recommend is from Cindy Bidar and is for personal use only.  It is a Free Funnel Design Planner.  So grab this planner so that you can easily figure out what PLR content you’ll want for each part of your funnel.

If you don’t have any done-for-you content there are a few free PLR bundles below that I’ve used as an example.

Engage on Social Media With These Free Tip Images

Take these social media tip images from Tools For Motivation and start engaging your audience.  

When you’re posting these tip images on your social media platforms you’ll want to ask questions relevant to the tip or share one of your stories.

You can also use this opportunity to link back to your site in general, an opt-in page or a specific post.

Do that with my next recommendation….

Create an eCourse From Free Done-For-You Content

Then download these 7 articles from Piggy Makes Bank to help your community beat procrastination.  This happens to all of us.  You can either put the articles on your site or set them up as a 7-day challenge in your email software system.

Lately my favorite content to make are email eCourses

Here’s the steps you’d take:

  • Figure out what your objectives and goals will be for this eCourse
  • Outline the blog posts into the challenge days that flow from one to another
  • Create a sequence in your email software
  • Copy and paste the content into the right order
  • Go through each email and add an intro, as well as a conclusion but not just any email you want to talk about what they’ve learned or what they’ll learn. The format for an email is different than a blog post so make sure that they sound like an email
  • Add any resources, tips, stories or recommendations throughout the challenge day
  • Link to your content. If there is an example on your site or an opt-in of yours you’d like to focus on make sure to include it throughout the eCourse
  • Create an opt-in or landing page for the eCourse
  • Use it in your content marketing strategies and start bringing traffic to it

You don’t have to use all the content if the blog posts you’re using are too long. Use what makes sense to create an informative eCourse for your audience.

Personal Development Example of How To Design The Funnel

If you’re in a niche that helps with personal development grab Jennifer’s Personal Growth Journaling Prompts.

There are two different ways I’d use the prompts and journal that you’ll get in this bundle as part of the upsell. But first, you’ll want to make the journal into a PDF, then…

You’ll want to pick a topic that works with both the social media tip images and the beat procrastination eCourse (or content) that you’ve been using.

  1. Offer it as a bonus to the eCourse that you’re offering. This would bring tons of value and more people would sign up.
  2. Use it as a tripwire or the product you’re going to sell when people sign up for your eCourse. This is usually a product that isn’t expensive – like $7, $9, $12.95, $17, etc.

Then take a look at the special offer because it has tons of content that you can use to create products and a funnel all about personal growth. You’ll find content on journaling, becoming a morning person, positive thinking, creating a vision board, mindful productivity, forming new habits, and the law of attraction.

Pick one or two of these and design your first or next funnel.

Which ones would be good to use?

For this particular example – I’d take a look at these:

  • Morning Person – Report, Articles, Product Reviews, Quote Posters
  • Creating a Vision Board – Report, Printables, Images
  • Positive Thinking Challenge – Email Series, Articles, Affirmations 
  • Mindfulness for Productivity – – Articles, Images, Social media

Once you’ve downloaded the content you’re going to want to take a look at what is inside and how it can fit together to make a product.

Decide what type of product you’re going to make. It could be an eBook, a challenge, or a video series (to name a few) and what the main topic will be about.

Recently I heard that creating mindmaps helps use done-for-you content. Take a look at this blog post on Pro Blogger. He talks about creating a blog post from scratch but I think it gives a great overview of how to use mindmaps.

Basically in the center, you’re going to type in your main topic. Then you’ll create a new parent node for each of the topics you’re going to work with, then a child node for each of the articles in the bundle, then another child node for the subtopics in each article. This will give you a birds-eye view of what topics and subtopics are in each of the bundles and then you can start to see how they all fit together and what content you want to use where.

You can also use to see what people to figure out what questions your audience wants to be answered.

This method will take time but when you’re creating new courses it does take time but the great thing is that it’ll take less than then if you had to create everything from scratch.

Business Example of How To Design The Funnel

If you teach others about internet marketing or business I’d grab Alice Seba’s special offer which is all about Must Have Marketing Strategies​ that is happening right now as well as the free offers that I’ve shared above.

I’d still use the social media tip images and the beat procrastination eCourse that I’ve been talking about but make sure to slant them towards business, building a business, working online or blogging.

That is the great thing about done-for-you content it can be used in multiple niche types.

I’d take the Product Launch Super Pack that she has in the Mega Pack and create a course.  In the example above this would be offer after as the tripwire or during the emails that you’re sending. It really depends on what you want to do.

You could use this to create an eBook, eCourse, challenge, videos or a workshop.

The strategy to use this done-for-you content is different than how I suggested for the personal development because combining the content into something that works has already been done for you – it was created specifically for the topic to Launch a Product.

You just need to come up with an objective for your course and figure out what format you want to use. Then start branding and adding your voice to the content.

I’d suggest creating an eBook or eCourse as the main offer and then as the first upgrade opportunity, you could create videos or a workshop from the content and then as the second upgrade opportunity offer a group coaching or group session to help others launch their products.

Make sure to take a look at the upsell that Alice is offering because there is so much content there, but specifically…

You’ll get more content on product launching.  That means it’ll work in your funnel very well.  This is actually worth the entire investment of the upgrade if you’re going to put together a funnel because this piece alone has a lead magnet, an opt-in page, and an email series to promote the lead magnet.  All of this can be set up with the Product Launch Super Pack in the main offer if you want to use this instead of or as another opt-in gateway to your product.

As a bonus to the product you’re going to be selling you can add the Guide to Copywriting report that is included in the upgrade offer.

For less than $60 you can gets tons of content and get a funnel up in your business.

==>Grab the Must Have Marketing Strategies Mega Pack​ For Only $17 

Don’t forget to share all the free resources and content that you’ve produced from the PLR you bought. 🙂

The ideas that I’ve shared above are just a few ways that you can use this or any done-for-you content. You can literally use it in at least a hundred different ways – so don’t limit yourself in what you can do with it.


P.S. It all starts with a funnel so don’t forget to sign up and download this Free Funnel Design Planner.

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