Love Hard Work or Be Prepared to Quit
You’re about to read something you don’t want to hear. You’ve been chasing a dream that doesn’t exist – the lie that being an online entrepreneur means no hard work is involved – just sit around in your PJs and watch the cash come in.
I know I’ve been there, but I would always tell myself that I’ll just hire someone to do the work for me. There were a few problems with this though. One major problem was the fact that I didn’t have the money to outsource for all of the work that I needed or wanted to get done.
So what lie are you telling yourself that are holding you back from your online success?
Steer Clear of Promises For Overnight Success
On your journey to successful Internet marketing, you’ll see many online temptations promising you overnight success – if you’ll just purchase their product or sign up for a year’s worth of “help” to get you started.
You may have fallen for a few of them in the past. You’re not alone. After all, this self-professed “guru” actually shows screen shots of bank statements and other “proof” that he’s actually made thousands of dollars overnight, while sleeping – and that much is true.
You, too, can become a millionaire within a month’s (or a few) time by following a few, simple steps contained in his super-duper program or eBook. The problem – where the lie comes in – is that it’s not turnkey or effortless, or whatever other hashtag they’re using these days.
Hard Work Is Essential to Making It Online
Becoming successful takes only one action. It’s hard work! It also can be enjoyable hard work. Don’t let these spammy hype-mongers fool you.
It takes three things to become successful.
- Hard work
- Time
- Effort
You won’t become an overnight success by purchasing anything available online – except PLR of course. But even that is not overnight success, but a major shortcut!
But success takes a bit of time. It might start overnight, but it’ll be a seedling, not a full grown garden of profits. So, if you’re not ready to work, go back to watching television reruns or gaming with friends.
My overnight success is still in the making. I’ve been online for several years and only started seeing any kind of profit for my efforts. So don’t get discouraged. Keep at it.
The big key is to stick with one thing until it works. Then move on.
Educate Yourself
On the other hand – if you’re determined to make a success of your online business, it’s possible to realize more fortune than you ever thought possible. But, you have to do it the right way, by gathering knowledge and taking the time to learn all you can about your niche and what’s going to make it a success.
There are a few harsh realities about making a success of your online business venture. There’s tough competition out there. It’s likely that no matter what your idea is – someone has thought of it before.
But competition is a good thing and you can compete if you know how. Competition is a sign that people are making good money out there.
You have to learn some technology, too. That doesn’t mean you have to be a technological whiz, but there are certain programs and nuances you must know about – WordPress, hosting, FTP and dozens of other specifics which will make you a success – or not.

Turn Knowledge Into Action
Engage To Get Traffic & Make Yourself Known
Free traffic to your site without any engagement or effort? Not an option. You’ll see lots of lures out there to bring you in to the illusion, but you should know that getting traffic to your site is a strategy that you’ll need to put some thought and work in to (such as building relationships and blogging).
You have to make yourself known. People don’t usually buy from a site they don’t know about or which hasn’t been recommended to them. To attract traffic to your site, you have to first let people get to know you. Give them a good incentive to come to your site and sign up.
The good news is that when you do make a success of your online business – when you’re your own boss – you don’t need to commute or miss your child’s play ever again. Most successful online entrepreneurs wouldn’t have it any other way. The elbow grease they use to build their business pays off in more than just financial ways.