What Does PLR Stand For?
PLR stands for Private Label Rights. I usually refer to it as PLR or done-for-you content, but different people use different terms such as white label, ready-made, pre-written, ready-to-use, commercial use, and brandable. All of these refer to the same type of content and products.

PLR is Designed For Others To Use
As a PLR creator and seller, I design my content, templates, low product books, and social media graphics for the sole purpose that someone else is going to use it.
What this means is that I won’t get mad or upset when you use the product as your own. You can add your own name as the author, edit or modify any of the content, and even sell it after you’ve created your own product from it.
However, the copyright still belongs to me, as the creator.
PLR Is a Strange Concept, But Mighty When Used
Done-for-you content might seem strange to someone, not that’s never heard of it before and you might be in wonder that you’ve just now discovered it. But it’s not something new. PLR content has been around for a long time.
In the days before the ease of online downloads and purchases, if you run a city magazine, newspaper, newsletter, or another type of publication for your community, you could order done for you articles that you could cut out and paste into your publication.
Some of these outlets allowed you to edit the work and use it as your own. Some required that you used the work as-is.
PLR is very similar nowadays. In most cases, good PLR companies (like Niche Starter Packs) will allow you to edit and change the work as well as put your name on it and use as is if that’s what you want to do.
You also don’t have to worry about plagiarism because the sole intention of the PLR is for it to be used by other people.
Discover the Power Of PLR

You’re about to discover something so crucial to your business that you’re going to wonder why you haven’t been doing this all along. As a business owner who understands the power of content marketing to help boost traffic, engage with your audience and make more money (and so much more), then you also realize that one person can’t generate that much content on their own.
Don’t feel guilty about this. We have so much on our plate as bloggers, coaches and entreprenuers. We all need a helping hand and that is what PLR will do. It helps you.
You probably know to engage in effective content marketing, you need to publish relevant content consistently directed toward your ideal customer.
To accomplish this, you’ll need content for social media, your website, and more. Content like blog posts, articles, downloadable PDF content, guides, checklists, and more – all published consistently 365 days a year – and promoted in a way that attracts your ideal customers and helps search engines send your audience to you.
So what do most bloggers, coaches, and entrepreneurs do? They take the time away from their family or their passion projects to get it all done.
Well you don’t have to do that anymore.
Imagine being able to find content that is already created and all you have to do is modify it to fit your audience. How much time will that save you?

PLR makes your life so much easier and by using PLR you have a powerful resource at your disposal to build your business. As I mentioned before this has been done for ages, and not only is it ethical and legal, but it also works.
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