A few days ago Rachel Youngson and Jenn Andersen (aka Magnesi) created a bundle called Whole Food Thanksgiving PLR. What I like about this pack is the fact it helps people who are going to prepare a meal with whole foods this year. That can be a daunting task if you’ve never done it before. Your audience is going to have questions.

This product will:

  • Give your audience food ideas to try
  • Help them answer questions about their lifestyle diet to family
  • Keep to their lifestyle diet during the holidays

All of these can be overwhelming and with this pack you can guide them to a much less stressful holiday by answering all of the questions before they even have them.

This PLR comes at a perfect time because right now are when people are starting to have questions and thoughts about Thanksgiving and beyond. You can add the articles to your site and boost traffic. Then when they get to your site offer the Whole Foods Thanksgiving Table report as a bonus for signing up to your email list. So not only will you get more traffic, but after they will be on your email list.

Right now it is on sale, so get the Whole Food Thanksgiving PLR Bundle today

Why Should You Buy This PLR Pack?

1. High quality content at a reduced rate.
2. You’ll be answering questions that people are frantically searching for.
3. You’ll get nine components of material to work with.
4. You’ll save time creating all of this yourself.

One major problem that people face who live a diet lifestyle different from other’s is being able to actually eat when they go to other people’s houses. They have questions about how to keep up the whole food diet during the holidays if they are traveling and how to create a meal with whole food.

Rachel & Jenn answered these question with their article topics. Take a look at all of the questions you’ll help your community answer with this pack:

  1. Cooking For Your Family and Friends that Don’t Follow Your Whole Foods Lifestyle
  2. Dealing with Family Questions About Your Whole Lifestyle
  3. How to be Whole When Staying with Non Whole Family
  4. Dining Out While Eating Whole
  5. Keeping Your Family on Whole Foods While Traveling

I separated them into two categories because they address different issues.

  1. Keeping Whole During the Busy Holiday Season
  2. Easy Ways to Make Eating Whole Fun for Kids at Thanksgiving
  3. Easy Whole Food Meal Ideas for Your Busy Thanksgiving Schedule
  4. Vegetarian Whole Food Thanksgiving Ideas
  5. Whole Food Freezer Meals that You Can Make for the Holidays

You use these articles in a couple of different ways, but I would create blog series or an email series.

April’s Advice:

Take the 2nd set of PLR that talks about creating a whole food Thanksgiving and create a blog series. At the bottom of each day add the opt in report that they provide. Tell them when they get the opt in they will also be placed on the 5 Day Traveling During the Holidays With a Whole Food Lifestyle series and that each day they will get a new idea of how to handle certain situations like dining out and keeping your family on the whole food diet.

Then set it all up for people to get. You can do that with an email autoresponder like aWeber or GetResponse.

I would also create a page that talks about this email series, as well as send it in your newsletters. You want as many people to sign up as possible.

Here is what you’ll need to create:

  • 5 day blog series
  • Upload and use the opt in report
  • Put a widget on sidebar
  • 5 day email series
  • Add opt in form on each page of 5 day blog series
  • Create a blog post about the email autoresponsder series

Get the Whole Food Thanksgiving PLR bundle to help you boost traffic and provide answers to questions your community has.

A couple of things that I noticed about their product – the videos has a few grammar underlines.  This could have been fixed and it isn’t real distracting, but doesn’t look as professional as it could.

And they could have also provided a PDF of the Powerpoint handout that they included.  This is probably more to my preference because my Word takes forever to pull up the documents and when I’m just looking at products I like it to pull up faster than the Word.  Plus those lines will be very hard for people to write on.  I would make the lines bigger and longer.

Overall this Thanksgiving PLR pack is a great product.

Did you buy this?  How do you plan to use it?  Please leave a comment below I would love to hear your ideas.




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