Sometimes you buy PLR and then you just aren’t sure how to combine one or two packs into your content marekting strategy and get results.  You’ve might have several different PLR packs and they don’t seem like they are related and so then you don’t do anything with them.

Need some help picking the right PLR for the health niche and then combining them to help your audience?

Here are the packs I’d take a look at:

April’s Advice:

I’d use the Weight Loss Report as the main report that combines everything together, but before you can do that you’ll need to add content to your blog and set up a challenge.

Check out what this report talks about:

  • Section 1: Learn the Basics of Weight Loss
  • Section 2: Follow These Tips For Increasing Your Water Intake
  • Section 3: Add Foods That Burn More Fat
  • Section 4: Choose Your Preferred Workouts
  • Section 5: Try These Low-Calorie Post-Workout Snacks

Step 1

I’d take the Fat Burning PLR and create blog posts for them. Then I’d incorporate the links for as many as you can into the Weight Loss Report. There are actually a few sections that these fit very well into.

Section 3: Add Foods That Burn More Fat

  • Foods to Avoid When Trying to Burn Fat
  • The Best Fat Burning Foods to Eat

Section 4: Choose Your Preferred Workouts

  • Best Fat Burning Exercises for Women
  • Tips for Burning More Body Fat
  • Losing Belly Fat
  • Strength Training Burns Fat
  • How to Rev Up Your Metabolism

To add these blog posts in the report I’d add a section at the bottom that says something like:

Now that I’ve talked about exercises – you’ll want to burn as much fat as possible, so check out these articles on the blog to help you with specific problems you might be facing:

Then list the articles.

You can also do that with Section 3 where you’ll talk about food that burns fat.

Step 2

Create a Water Challenge. This can either be a product you’ve created or a free challenge. You can add video’s, printer planners for water intake, water recipe resources and suggestions on products to help them.

Set up the course by recording videos, creating blog posts or uploading the water drinking challenge into an email autoresponder.

Step 3

Take the Healthy School Lunches and slant them towards losing weight instead. This would make your articles unique. Take out any references of children or school and replace them with losing weight and your audience.

All of them might not work, but you can use them on another blog at another time.

  1. Instead of – Why You Should Use Bento Boxes
    Title it: Why You should Use Bento Boxes To Lose Weight Easily
  2. Instead of – Healthier Sandwiches For Kids
    Title it: X Ways to Make Your Sandwiches Healthier

These could easily be incorporated into the report under Section 3. You can find recipes that include foods that burn fat and link to them in your blog posts.

Step 4

Take the Weight Loss report and create an opt-in page for it. Then take the report and add all of your personal stories, tips, tricks, resources and voice to it. After that, you’ll want to add headings and subheadings, as well as pictures. Don’t forget to add the links to the right blog posts and how to get in on your water challenge.

When you’re done you’ll need to get an eCover created and then create a download page for the report.


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