Yesterday I picked my site to do a case study on. It is a toy niche site that I started back in August, but haven’t done much too. I don’t even have Google Analytics on it yet.

I’ve been working on getting it set up the way that I’d like. This means setting up my affiliate links and images on the site. I plan to use this for the Pinterest Success Strategies, so I’ll probably have to create different Pinterest Images, but that is a total guess because I haven’t got that far into the training yet.

Day 2 – Pinterest Success Strategies by Jennifer Ledbetter

Yesterday I picked my site to do a case study on. It is a toy niche site that I started back in August, but haven’t done much too. I don’t even have Google Analytics on it yet.

I’ve been working on getting it set up the way that I’d like. This means setting up my affiliate links and images on the site. I plan to use this for the Pinterest Success Strategies, so I’ll probably have to create different Pinterest Images, but that is a total guess because I haven’t got that far into the training yet.

In the eBook, it has mostly been going over why you should use Pinterest. If you’d like to take a look at Day 1 I’ve done a review.

Today I pick up where I left off on Page 13, but from that page to 19 it gives statics of Jennifer’s test site. What she believed before she started and what actually happened when she started testing methods to see which ones worked and which ones didn’t.

After that, she starts talking about how the Pinterest site works. Very informative and she put in a lot of valuable information.

Oh my goodness she shares an insight about Pinterest Pins on page 22 that is awesome! I didn’t know that and am excited to hear it. Check it out.

At the bottom of Page 24 she gets into the mistakes that people are making when they Pin and use Pinterest.

Mistake Number 1

Wow, the very first mistake is a big one! But don’t worry she tells you how to figure out if you are making this mistake. If you are you’ll definitely want to correct. She shows numbers that will make you get on it right away.

Get the Pinterest Success Strategy today

Mistake Number 2

Is so so so important. I knew this and it makes sense, but hearing it again is nice. Plus she talks about using this strategy to re-pin. That was a total Ah-ha moment. Maybe you’ll feel the same way on page 36 the very first paragraph. She has an image that I used Jing to take a copy of for my records.

Love her action steps in this section.

She shows you how she would do this step better and makes it look easy. But it isn’t as easy as she makes it seem. It takes practice – Power Suggest Pro might help you with this step or this free tool might help

This step reminds me of when you go into Craft Warehouse. Not sure if you’ve ever been there, but they don’t just put the products on the shelves and call it good. Nope. They actually hang up craft ideas to help browser’s see what they can do with the products. Last time I was there I spent $80 walking through the aisles. That place is dangerous. :0)

Mistake Number 3 

Talks about something that most people think makes their account’s less valuable, but in fact does the opposite. Not only that, but Pinterest requires this!

Mistake Number 4

She is talking about images and gives you an option for a free and paid option. Another great option would be You can get a free account and download as many images as you would like. Just watch the templates because sometimes they are paid. Usually it is only $1 though, but a great alternative and super easy to use.

As I read more she does mention Canva as well, but the reasons she gives for the other tool make it seem easier! The only part I don’t like is when she says “You find an image online you want to use for a pin.” This could be read wrong. Make sure that you have permission to use it and follow all of their terms.

A few lines after that it says this tool resizes to Pinterest size which is nice.

She really goes into detail about how to use this tool she mentions. It actually looks amazing and I can see using it for several different parts of my business!

Get the Pinterest Success Strategy today

Mistake Number 5

Gotta say that I love her suggestion to avoid this problem. Only a little extra work required and you’ll get more traffic from this one alone.

She gives a Power Pinner tip in this section – so watch out for it! Then start doing it.

Mistake Number 6

I wouldn’t have thought of this, but now that she mentions this it seems obvious. Plus she gives examples of people who make this mistake.

Mistake Number 7

I agree with this one and know that is it super important.

On Page 74 she gives a really great tip on a different topic. OMG. Why didn’t I think of this sooner? I’m pretty sure this will help me when I decide what boards will be, plus I can see using this in other parts of my business as well.

Mistake Number 8

Love that she goes into this because this is something that I worry about with emails, but it seems it isn’t an issue with Pinterest at all!

She actually shows you a tool that will help you with this and talks about how it works, plus another one that helps in another way.

I’ve read a ton of the eBook today and will continue tomorrow. Today’s theme was Mistakes people make on their Pinterest accounts. But she also gives ways to correct those mistakes and examples of doing the right thing the right away. This is definitely a guide to keep handy when getting into pinning, creating your account and many more steps you’ll take.

That’s it for today. The rest of the day I will continue to work on the site I plan to use this strategy on. It has over 80 posts, so it is definitely a work in progress!

Get the Pinterest Success Strategy before it goes up later today.

Read Day 1 here.

If you have any questions, please let me know.


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