Goal Setting is a Way to Change and See Results In Areas Of Your Life and Business - This Includes Self-Improvement, Fitness, Health, Business, Lifestyle, Parenting, Relationships and Many More...
"Incredible! Done-For-You Content to Easily Schedule an Entire Series & Build a List With This HOT Topic... Goal Setting."
Earn Affiliate Income With Product Reviews!

What You'll Get in the DFY Content Series & Marketing Kit:
- Five done-for- you blog posts, saving you time to research and write all the content
- Five ready to use emails that introduce the blog posts, so that you can easily share your blog post to your list
- A 22-Page report compiled out of the blog posts, to easily add an opt-in to turn readers into subscribers
- Five beautifully designed social media tip images, these are unique because each one has a tip that is related to the topic.
- DFY long tail keyword research, pick a keyword that you want to rank for and get your content up.
- BONUS royalty free images, content needs images to make it more appealing to your readers.
- One Top 5 List, you'll get a tangible top five list with different products to recommend, plus you'll also get this list as a 7-page product guide that is going to help you refer people back to the product reviews.
- Five product reviews, these are the products in the Top 5 List
What You Should Know About Goal Setting Before You Dismiss It As a Topic That Isn't Going to To Work at This Time of Year or On Your Blog
You might be thinking that goals are for the beginning of the year when people make them as New Year's resolutions or as goals for their life. So people have already made them and it is too late to be talking about goals on your blog.
But the truth is that right now most people who did made them need help - getting motivated, making goals in a way that they can
So as you can see right now is the PERFECT time for you to talk about goals. We are fasting approaching 2nd quarter if you've got a blog that helps people in business and so you could use this to remind them of the goals they made during 4th quarter or maybe they didn't get a chance and are flalling around because they're almost 3 months into the new year and feel like they're running around in circles - not accomplishing anything.
Goals Are For All Ages
Goals are what makes dreams come true. Anyone from any walk of life can set goals and see results. This is for people as young as five and all the way up.
In fact, people should be teaching their children how to set goals so that they'll be able to do it effectively throughout life. This could be as early as 5 years old. You'll have to adjust them to match their mental development.
People set goals all throughout their life..when their in their teens, 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's and beyond. By doing this they're working towards something they really want in life.
Goals can be both long term and short.
As a homeschool parent my year goal is to make sure my son gets the education he needs each year. I do by knowing what he needs to learn and setting up curriculum based on those. I also have the long term goal of him being able to go into the world after he becomes an adult with all the social and skills he needs to learn.
Goals Can Be For Anything
As a parent they could have goals like stop yelling at their children, spend more quality time with their children, make time for their spouse or help their children start learning life skills.
You can have personal goals about health. As a mom this could be allowing yourself more self-care moments, eating more vegetables or taking the time to walk with friends (or by yourself).
Health could also be about learning to eat healthier or preparing meals at home instead of stopping at the local fast-food restaurant on the way home.
As a teenager your goals could be about applying for scholarships or finding the right trade school for your chosen profession.
In business your goals could be about setting up systems or growing your business to a certain dollar amount.
Goals make the world go round and writing about them is going to help people see results.
There are so many reasons to include goal settting content on your blog, but the two most important are:
1. By teaching your audience how to set goals and see results, you can change lives and help people turn their dreams into reality.
2. Self-help and goal setting is a HUGE niche that isn't slowing down and you can earn affiliate commissions on tons of different types of products. This can include tangible or digital products, as well as workshops and training products from other entrepreneurs.
Did you know that there are over 70 million posts on Instagram related to goals with ONLY two hashtags? That doesn't include hundreds more....
Goals are HUGE in popularity on Instagram. These are social media platforms that you can grow a following with and potentially earn money from promoting products or selling your products.
Instagram has over SEVENTY MILLION posts between the two hashtags #goals and #goalsetting. This doesn't even include tags that are similar (look below).

It is popular because it helps so many people. You can set goals about anything in your life.
Here are some of the hashtags that I found on Instagram:
- #couplegoals 13million posts
- #relationshipgoals 11 million
- #couplegoals almost 2 million
- #siblinggoals
- #bestiegoals
Building strong relationships seem to be the biggest type of goal that people are interested in on Instagram, but they aren't the only ones here are more that I found:
- #fitgoals
- #housegoals
- #homegoals
- #fashiongoals
- #travelgoals
- #yogagoals
- #gymgoals
- #weightlossgoals
- #workgoals
You'll love the fact you can help other people when you publish this content series.
So how can you get into this trending and popular niche?
With the DFY Blog Series & Marketing Kit...
Here's What You'll Get in the DFY Blog Series & Marketing Kit:

This is done-for-you content that you can get up on your site, share to your audience and earn an affiliate income all in one bundle.
Plus you'll get content and product reviews that resonate with your audience. This will drive them to buy the products that you promote.
Here's an overview of what you'll get:
5 Blog Post Series: You'll get a series of blog posts that will let you dig deep into the topic. You can schedule these on your blog and then link them together to help your readers go through the series.
5 Intro Emails: Every single blog post comes with an intro email. This email is specifically written to help you share this series to your subscribers or tweak the wording a little and share on your social media platforms. To do that you can set these up in your email software as a sequence or on a Facebook group as a post.
22-Page Report, "Goal Setting: Grab What Matters & Shine In Your Life With Intention": (Blog Posts Combined): You might not want to use the content as blog posts, so I’ve compiled them into an eBook or you can use the report as a way to get opt-ins at th end of each blog post by offering the combined content in one place. Not only that, but this eBook has been formatted with headings and images for your convenience.
Professionally Designed eCover: You’ll be provided with a Canva Template for the eBook cover for the “Goal Setting: Grab What Matters & Shine In Your Life With Intention". Canva is a free graphic software platform and it is easy to change the eCover to your branding.
Social Media Posts: You'll get 10 social media posts per blog for you to use to direct people back to your site where you've posted. This includes 5 Facebook / Instgram posts, as well as 5 Tweets per blog post. It is easier to share when all you have to do is add a link, tweak it a little to include your voice and post!
Social Media Tip Images: Your audience is going to love these beautiful graphics that have a tip on them. They are provided as a Canva Template, so that you can brand these as well.
BONUS: Royalty Free Images
200 Long Tail Keywords: You’ll get researched keywords that are for goals, goal setting and getting results from goals.
7-Page Report, "Top 5 Goal Setting Planners That Get Results": This report was written specifically for sharing with your audience on the best goal planners. Once they start reading the blog posts they are going to be interested in purchasing the best planner for them. This guide is going to give them 5 options and then show them which each of them is best for. Then they can also go to your site with the product reviews so that they can read more in depth about each planner. This report has been formatted with headings and images so that it is appealing and can be used as an opt-in.
Canva eCover Template: You’ll be provided with an eBook cover Template in Canva for the “Top 5 Goal Setting Planners That Get Results”. This will allow you to quickly and easily add your branding and change things on the eCover.
Product Reviews: You get detailed product reviews on Goal Setting Planners that were created specifically for seeing results. Three of them are from goal oriented people - Michael Hyatt, Chalene Johnson and Jon Lee Dumas (Entreprenuers On Fire). The other two will also help your audience go from vision to seeing results.
Bonus: As a bonus I've gone onto Amazon and downloaded at least three images per product. This will save you time when you're adding the product reviews to your site. You won't have to download themselves because you'll already have them.
5 Blog Posts
In this section you're going to get ready to use blog posts that you can upload and schedule on your site. This is going to provide valuable information on Goal Setting.
What is great about these blog posts is that you can use them easily as a series. People love series and will want to make sure that they get on your list to know when the next one is being released. So make sure that you're offering an opt-in box at the end when you release the blog posts the first time.
You'll also want to make sure you've got an objective for the blog post. This could mean that it informational, you want customer to sign up for your opt-in, or do you want reader to click through to signature program, etc. It could also mean that you want them to sign up for a challenge to help them set their goals in a way that they get results.
Then add a call to action on every blog post.
Goal Setting Blog Post Topic Titles
- Turn Dreams into Reality with Goals (643 words)
- 6 Goals You Need in Your Life (610 words)
- Examples of Goals Everyone Should Have (631 words)
- 5 Ways to Approach Setting Goals & Achieving Them (626 words)
- Influence of Goals & Decision Making in Your Life (613 words)
All blog posts are 640 words+, so that means you'll be giving them lots of valuable information to help them see results.

You'll also want to make sure that the blog posts link to each other. That way you'll get link juice AND your readers can find all of the posts in that series.

You'll get Text and Word format.
5 Intro Emails
These ready to use emails save you time when you go into your email software because they are going to introduce your blog post. All you have to do is tweak it and add the URL to the blog post on your site.
This will literally save you hours. You can also repurpose the emails into social media blurbs and add them to those platforms as well.
So you're really getting a two for one.
At the end of each email you could also say, if you missed day 1 here is the link, if you missed day 2 here is the link. It is a great way for people to know where to go next if they've joined in the middle of the series.

Content in Text and Word Format.
Social Media Posts
Creating the blog posts and uploading them onto your site isn't enough. You'll also need to share the blog posts and engage your audience on your social media platforms.
This takes time, but in this blog series and marketing kit you'll get 5 Facebook Tips and 5 Tweets for EACH blog post.
That means you'll have enough blurbs to market your blog post for 5 days (or 5 times).

Content in Text and Word Format.
5 Social Media Tip Images
Beautifully pre-designed social media templates WITH cleverly crafted tips that you can post on your Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook platforms. Easily change them with or add your website name.
The images are provided as Canva Templates, so are easy to add branding and change whatever you want on them.
You have tons of flexibility to use these in your business.

You'll get Canva Templates for your convenience.
Customizable Opt-In Report, 22-Pages
The report is compiled of all the articles so that you can also use it as an opt-in. Growing your list is an essential part of running a business and by providing valuable information that people want and need you'll start adding more people to your list and that leads to bigger community.
Ready made eCover that has an eye-catching design for you to use right out of the box. Change the report name, add your name as the author and start using this eCover right away.
This report would be a great lead-in to a signature product or a challenge that you're hosting. You can add a call to action throughout the report, plus you can create a sales page as an upgrade on the download page. This will put your offer in front of people right away.

Content in Text and Word Format and eCover as a Canva Template.
Keyword Research
I’ve come up with 200 long tail keywords all related to goals, types of goals, getting results and goal setting. You’ll find some of these are what people like to call low-hanging fruit keywords while others have more searches.
But these are all high-targeted keywords that have the potential to easily get on the first page of search engines with. Search engine optimizing is important, so get a head start with this list.

Content in Text Format and Excel Spreadsheet.
Top 5 List & Product Reviews

Affiliate marketing is a way to monetize your blog and recommending products is a way to help others.
When people start the process of buying products they start their research online. Not only that people want to know about products that you use or things that will help make their life easier and since you've been talking about goal setting in your series - people are going to start looking for planners to help them in their journey.
You're going to want products that you recommend to them and that is where the top 5 list of goal planners and product reviews come in. These are planners that you can recommend to your audience, as well as the product reviews for each thing on your top 5 list.
Top 5 List & Product Reviews
- Top 5 Goal Setting Planners That Get Results (893 words)
- Full Focus Planner by Michael Hyatt (465 words)
- A 90 Day All in One Life Planner (460 words)
- The Freedom Journal (420 words)
- Simple Elephant Planner (438 words)
- Deluxe Law of Attraction Life Planner (437 words)
These product reviews are written in an informative way with a slant to get the reader to click on the link out of curiosity... and they'll probably end up buying the products!

You'll also get a Canva eCover template that is full customizable. This will make creating your own eCover so much easier because you just have to go inside the online software, change the colors to reflect your brand and give it a different title.
By doing those two steps you're new product guide will look completely different than any other one that was bought.
Canva is free and easy to use.
Content in Text and Word Format.
Bonus: Amazon Product Images
I'll even provide you with the product images for all of the reviews. These are images from Amazon - I grabbed them for you so that you can easily use them without having to stop what you're doing, go get the images from the site and then get back into the swing of your project.

You're getting a great deal with all of this content and images.
How to Use the Content Series & Marketing Kit :
- The DFY Blog Marketing Kit is geared towards creating a blog series and then marketing it to your audience.
- Use our done-for-you content to quickly get an informational and educational blog series up for your readers to enjoy.
- To make it even better we've compiled all the blog posts into a report and you can add an opt-in form on your posts to collect leads.
- Then take the emails that introduce the blog post and add them to your email auto responder. There is very little work you need to do here - just add your blog post link and your name at the end.
- The last section is all about promoting your blog posts with social media posts that you can share, as well as eye-catching images.
- But I've taken it even further for you - I've provided a product guide (top 5 list), as well as reviews on all the products on the list to help you earn affiliate income. This means you'll be able to link to, reference them and use as recommendations throughout the blog series. Also remember that these product reviews aren't exclusive to this bundle or series, so you can use them in different blog posts that talk about goals, goal setting or using a planner.
Goal Setting is a Great Topic So Many Niches - Self-Improvement, Lifestyle, Health, Parenting, Business and So Many More...
Right now is the best time to grab this pre-written content bundle!
All PLR Products that you purchase from me are non refundable.
PLR Rights Terms:
[YES] Can be edited and modified in any way
[YES] Can be branded and sold as a report with personal use rights only (PDF)
[YES] Can put your name as the author
[YES] Can be used as eCourse and webinar material
[YES] May use the content on your site/blog
[YES] Can be used on article marketing sites
[YES] Can be translated to other languages
[YES] Can use the content to create and post videos on video sharing sites/blogs, etc.
[NO] Cannot claim copyright to the content since it is PLR
[NO] Cannot resell the packs
[NO] You may NOT sell or giveaway private label rights (non-transferable PLR)
[NO] Can be added to membership sites with resell and master resell rights
[NO] Cannot use my name as author
Thank you!

April & DMan
P.S. With this pack you'll get an entire blog marketing kit - not only will you get the content to post on your blog, but you'll be able to share the content with your audience with emails, social media posts and social media images.
P.P.S. Remember that 61% of people buy a product AFTER they've read a blog post. The high-quality product reviews on Popular Amazon Products in this bundle will help you earn affiliate commissions - faster and easier than before.
Done-For-You Blog Series and Marketing Kits, Done-For-You Categories, Personal Development PLRPosted in 0 comments