Summer Eating Is All About Fresh Grown Food & Get Togethers
Summer food is all about fresh, locally-grown produce because there is an abudance of people growing their own. But there is also tons of get togethers for cook-outs, picnics and BBQ's.
These are the two best things about summer - food and get togethers.
That is where this bundles comes into play. It is going to give you content to help your audience in diverse topics on summer eating from entertaining and what lighting decor you should use to weight loss or health trends.
Plus you can also use the PLR bundle to recommend products to your list.
It can be used to promote items like:
- Picnic baskets
- Mason jars (see lighting decor above)
- Clothes (light jacket, etc)
- Picnic blankets
- Pyrex and other casserole dishes
- Picnic games
Take a look at the images below. All are over $25 and have high star ratings. The only one of the four with less than 100 reviews is the Kitchen Supremem Picnic Backpack, but Amazon says it is a Best Seller. So people are definitely looking and buying this type of product.

You'll get 10 high-quality articles that you can use on your website or blog to appeal to different niches such as a mom blog, health and wellness or a lifestyle blog.
Done-For-You Summer Eating Content Bundle (Articles, Royalty Free Images, Keywords, Social Media Posts) – Get It All For $17!
Section 1 – 10 Articles
This section is where you can guide your reader’s to sign up for the main opt-in report or let them know more details are available in a report that is for sale.
Summer Eating Topic Titles
1. Nine Entertainment Themes That Are Trending This Summer (597 words)
2. Foods Predicted to Be "In" This Summer (585 words)
3. Fun, Safe and Delicious Picnic Ideas (506 words)
4. Healthy Eating Trends (514 words)
5. How Weather Affects Our Food Choices (546 words)
6. Lighting and Décor Ideas for Al Fresco Dining (522 words)
7. Socially Responsible Eating Tips (640 words)
8. Summer Barbeque Ideas for Everyone (943 words)
9. Trending Drinks That People Love (644 words)
10. Weight-Loss Diet Trends (792 words)

I’m not done yet…
Section 2 – Social Media Blurbs
Engagement with your audience is important and that is why we’ve included 10 social media blurbs for you to use. You can use them to promote the report and get more subscribers or send people back to the blog posts.
The blurbs encourage people to click on the link and read the rest of the blog post.

Section 3 – Keyword Research
I’ve come up with 100 long tail keywords all related to decorating in the fall. You’ll find some of these are what people like to call low-hanging fruit keywords while others have more searches.
But these are all high-targeted keywords that have the potential to easily get on the first page of search engines with. Search engine optimizing is important, so get a head start with this list.

BONUS: Section 4 – Royalty Free Images
Images are expensive to purchase, so I’ve found royalty free images that you can use with the articles or inside the report.

Done-For-You Summer Eating Content Bundle (Articles, Royalty Free Images, Keywords,Social Media Posts) – Get It All For $17!
After you purchase this bundle – you will get to immediately download all of your content!
All PLR Products that you purchase from me are non-refundable.
PLR Rights Terms:
- Don’t pass on PLR rights to anyone, so your customers only get personal use rights.
- Do not put my name on it.
Please note – this is PLR that I have bought a special license to sell. I have added a lot of extra to the package to make it even better and more useful for you. But rest assured It is high-quality content. I provide it because I want to make sure my customers get the opportunity to purchase what they need when they need it. Make sure you don’t own this already. I will always let you know if a pack is under special license or not.
Wanna Share on Pinterest? Below is a PIN Image You Can Use?

Tags: bonus royalty free images, DFY Keywords, DFY social media blurbs, PLR Articles
Done-For-You Categories, Health PLRPosted in