Public Speaking For Fun PLR - High-Quality Done-For-You Business Content...Just Tweak, Brand & Use on Your Site
Help Your Audience With Their Public Speaking Skills By Teaching How To Add Fun Into Their Speech
When people go to an event they want to be entertained but most speakers don't have a clue how to do that. A few months ago I went to a live event and was asked to get up and speak in front of everyone. This was my first time and I didn't know what I was doing.
Thankfully someone helped me with this, but I still need to work on incorporating fun into any speeches I give in the future.
One thing that the event host did was provide those little Valentine's day cards and I thought that was a fun thing to get. In fact I still have mine because she took her time to put them together for everyone, plus it brought back memories of being in elementary school and getting them from kids in my class.
These little types of things made me remember the event and added a spark of fun as well. By doing a couple of things different your audience could make their speeches memorable as well.
Using this high-quality PLR content on your blogs is only the beginning of what you can do with it. Public speaking isn't going away anytime soon and so teaching your audience how to have fun with it when they have to get up in front of people is a skill they'd like to learn.
You'll get 5 high-quality PLR articles that you can use on your website or blog to appeal to a business oriented niche.
What You'll Get in the DFY Content Series & Marketing Kit:
- Five done-for-you blog posts, saving you time to research and write all the content
- Five ready to use emails that introduce the blog posts, so that you can easily share your blog post to your list
- A 21-Page report compiled out of the blog posts, to easily add an opt-in to turn readers into subscribers
- 50 DFY social media posts to help you share your blog posts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. You're getting 5 Facebook / Instagram posts and 5 Tweets. These aren't just any posts they are tips for you to engage with your audience.
- DFY long tail keyword research, pick a keyword that you want to rank for and get your content up.
- BONUS royalty free images, content needs images to make it more appealing to your readers.
Public Speaking For Fun PLR (eBook Template, Keyword Research Service, PLR Articles, Royalty Free Images, DFY Social Media Posts)
Grab It For ONLY $27!
Section 1 – eBook Template
21-page eBook, 3,292 words, "Public Speaking: Inject Fun in Your Speech"
Use the eBook template that is provided and put it for sale on your site to earn profit or use it on your site to get traffic. You can also take bits and pieces out of it and add it to your social media platforms.
Even though this is formated into an eBook template that doesn't mean it has to stay that way. You can use it for whatever you'd like to
Check out what you'll get in the eBook template...
5 sections that talk about the following:
- 5 Reasons to Inject Fun into Your Public Speaking
- Why Preparation is Key for a Fun-Packed Presentation
- Common Engagement Mistakes Guaranteed to Kill Your Presentation
- 5 Fun Prompts to Breathe Life into Your Public Speaking
- 6 Clever Ways to Make Your Presentation Unforgettable
The eBook template is compiled of the PLR articles below. You'll find them formatted with headings, subheadings and images. This will save you time and let's you repurpose the content quickly and easily.
So this is a great way to buy a plr ebook that you can put to use right away.

You'll also get a Canva eCover template with this PLR pack.
This makes it much eaiser to use your brand colors, change images that you want to and add your own title to it when you use the eBook template provided.
Section 2 – 5 Intro Emails
You're going to get 5 emails that are going to introduce the blog post. These are easy to schedule out once you've got your blog post URL.
You can schedule them as broadcasts to let your subscribers know that there is a new blog post. With these they'll get a couple of paragraphs that are going to intice people to click through to your aritcle. Sometimes once you've got your blog post done you're not thinking about what needs to be done after. With this pack you just copy, paste and schedule. It is easy and then you're audience will be able to go read the post when it is ready.
Another step that I would do is to create a sequence with all of them. As each of the blog posts are scheduled make sure to add all of them in each email so that people can read one right after the other.
What I like about these is that you can repurpose these emails into a social media post, so you'll have even more options to share with your audience.
Section 3 – 5 PLR Articles
You're going to get 5 PLR articles for you to add value to your blog about public speaking and adding fun into the speech. This is a topic that has tons of people are interested in when they have to talk in front of others.
Public Speaking For Fun Basics PLR Topic Titles
1. 5 Reasons to Inject Fun into Your Public Speaking (635 words)
2. Why Preparation is Key for a Fun-Packed Presentation (612 words)
3. Common Engagement Mistakes Guaranteed to Kill Your Presentation (710 words)
4. 5 Fun Prompts to Breathe Life into Your Public Speaking (618 words)
5. 6 Clever Ways to Make Your Presentation Unforgettable (665 words)
The PLR articles can be schedule on your blog post or made into an email autoresponder series.
I’m not done yet…
Section 4 – Social Media Blurbs
Engagement with your audience is important and that is why we’ve included 50 social media blurbs for you to use. You can use them to promote the report and get more subscribers or send people back to the blog posts.
You're going to get 5 Facebook / Instagram posts and 5 Tweets PER blog post. That means that you'll have enough for an entire work week.
The blurbs encourage people to click on the link and read the rest of the blog post.
Section 5 – Keyword Research Service Done For You
You'll also get keyword research service done for you. I've come up with 100+ long tail keywords all related to the PLR articles on the public speaking. You’ll find some of these are what people like to call low-hanging fruit keywords while others have more searches.
These are all high-targeted keywords and I've used a very popular keyword search software to get them. They all have the potential to easily get on the first page of search engines.
Search engine optimizing is important, so get a head start with this list.
BONUS: Section 6 – Royalty Free Images
Images are expensive to purchase, so I’ve found royalty free images that you can use with the articles or inside the report.
These came from Pixabay and you're able to use them in your products and on your blog without attributions.

As you can see there is a lot of reasons to buy the plr content in this package. There is a wide variety of high quality PLR products including a niche plr ebook, eBook template and even keyword research service done for you.
Public Speaking For Fun PLR (eBook Template, Keyword Research Service, PLR Articles, Royalty Free Images, DFY Social Media Posts)
Grab It For ONLY $27!
After you purchase this bundle – you will get to immediately download all of your content!
All PLR Products that you purchase from me are non-refundable.
PLR Rights Terms:
- Don’t pass on PLR rights to anyone, so your customers only get personal use rights.
- Do not put my name on it.
Wanna Share on Pinterest? Below is a PIN Image You Can Use?

Tags: bonus royalty free images, Canva template, DFY social media blurbs, ebook plr, keyword research, PLR Articles, PLR Content
Business PLR, Done-For-You Blog Series and Marketing Kits, Done-For-You CategoriesPosted in