Use Inspiration To Your Advantage & Don’t Quit 🙂

This morning I started writing my email and decided to talk about how you could use the content you’ve just purchased for simple funnels in your business. I know that Piggy Makes Bank has PLR on this exact topic and I knew you would benefit from the content. I intended to create an email series over the next few days.
Inspiration struck!
From 940 Words To An Ultimate Post of 2,148 Words – Say WHAT?! 🙂
It went from an email series to an ultimate blog post with an example using the Vision Board topic.
The blog post I used started out at 940 words and turned into an ultimate post of 2,148 (so make sure you have time to read it!) 🙂 I personalized the content, added my knowledge about the topic, took words/sentences/sections out that I didn’t want to use, added resources that you can use, and then shared products that will help you accomplish the simple funnel.
Here it is:

It is OKAY To Spend Time on PLR
I will tell you that I started my email at 6:30 or 7:00 am and I got done around 10:30 am, so I spent quite a bit of time on it. I got a little overwhelmed with all the info that I was providing especially at the halfway mark. I thought I was almost done and scrolled down the page and realized that I was only about halfway. This is when I could have stopped, but instead, I took a short break.
When my break was over I put a timer on for 25 minutes. When the timer went off I took another break. It seemed like I only needed the two breaks.
Once the content was changed, personalized, and links added through the Word document I copied and pasted it to my blog. Then I had to go through and make sure the links worked and I added images. I also made sure to incorporate my affiliate link where it needed to be.
PLR Can Be Used As A Foundation
There are so many ways that you can use PLR and this I used as a foundational piece. I took what they did, kept the topics and layout, and ran with it.
Now this will be on my blog as a highly valuable post that is going to help my audience create simple funnels for their business. The post will also build my authority in my niche.
The PLR is Completely Unique
When I was finished I was curious, so I ran the post through Copyscape.
Look what I found…

Do you see the site I’m competing against? Myself! 😊

And that is only with an order form, not a blog post.
I was curious to see if I was the only person to use the content, so I took the content provided by Piggy Makes Bank only and sent it through Copyscape again.
Here is what came up:

I wasn’t the only person. This is the same person who blogged and then Pinned it. Great way to take action BTW. 😊
Take Advantage When Inspiration Strikes
My inspiration allowed me to make it completely unique. That is what personalizing it and spending time on it can do for you.
You want to take advantage when inspiration strikes because that is when the ideas are coming to you. They’re good. Get them down and keep writing until you’re done.
I know there have been more times than I want to admit when I’ve been in the zone of inspiration and decided I’d finish it tomorrow. That NEVER works when I’m in the zone because all the thoughts and the direction that I can see so plainly in my mind is a moment. Even though I try to recreate it all another time it isn’t the same and I forget all those tidbits, tips, resources that I wanted to get down.
Keep Going Even When Your Brain Tells You To Stop
It isn’t always easy to continue. This could be for a few reasons. One would be kids or unexpected interruptions that we cannot control. Another would be that we get overwhelmed or feel like our brain is working too hard (I feel this way) and instead of continuing, I’ll stop to give myself a break. We actually need to work through these and train our brains to continue. This is what Cal Newport calls Deep Work.
Don’t be afraid to do deep work when using PLR. It’ll pay off in the end.
Have a great and productive day!