Awesome Ways to Use PLR
Did you know there are tons of ways to use PLR content?
Designed to help you get content on your site quickly, done for you content has become a popular option for bloggers and businesses. However, many don’t realize the full potential it offers.
If you’re looking to get the most out of pre-written content, here you’ll discover some awesome ways to use it.
The majority of PLR content is used for blogging purposes. You can upload the content immediately but for the best results you’ll want to:
Download. Personalize. Use as your own.
To do that you’ll take time to edit and tweak the content to reflect your brand by telling personal stories, adding resources someone might need when reading through the content, adding in your knowledge about the topic and including your personality. You can also take out words you’d never use and add ones you use all the time.
There are actually a number of ways you can use PLR in blogging that you might not be aware of. Here’s some ideas to get you started…
1. Create a Blog Series
Pre-written content packs typically come with 5-10 articles included. Many of these could easily follow on from one another, so creating a blog series or theme of blogs is easy when you purchase and use done-for-you content.
The research and writing has already been done for you. All you have to do is pick a time you want the series to be released and set it up in your WordPress.
I use a plugin called WordPress Editorial Calendar to make scheduling easy on my blog.

It is easy to use and you can drag the content to the date and time you’d like it to be released on your site.
2. Ultimate Blog Posts
Another way to use done-for-you content is to combine it into an ultimate blog post. An ultimate post is going to delve deep into a topic. That means you’ll want to make an outline of the post that you’ll want to do.
Why create an ultimate blog post? It provides excellent value to the customer, plus if you use keywords then you can get organic traffic to it as well.
I would use a site like Answer The Public to figure out what people were interested in learning about for a specific topic. With this site, you’ll add your main topic and then hit enter.

Once it is done thinking – it will provide information on questions that people have about that specific topic and what they want to learn.

Go through these questions and keyword phrases to outline your blog post. When you do this you’ve got to think about what your objective for the article as well as the done-for-you content you’re working with.
Based on the above I might do the following outline:
- What are Blog Posts?
- Why Are Blog Posts Important?
- How Many Blog Posts Per Day?
- What To Write Blog Posts About?
- What are Sponsored Blog Posts?
- What are Pillar Blog Posts?
- What are Guest Blog Posts?
- Where To Promote Blog Posts After Publishing?
These are just a few topics that people want to learn about when they’re learning about writing, publishing, and marketing blog posts.
You should be working with one or more PLR packs and some or all of these questions might be answered. You’ll want to rearrange the content and then make sure you transition the paragraphs to work together.
When you create ultimate blog posts you’ll be mixing different PLR together, switching the content around in the blog post and writing your own – so when you’re done you’ll get a completely unique article.
You can check this on Copyscape:

Ultimate blog posts take longer, but they’re going to be well worth the time and energy that you spend on them.
One of my favorite product creators, Erica Stone, always provides in depth ways to research content. You can pick up Content Money Master to help you learn how to outline your content. By doing that you’ll know exactly where each piece of PLR content will be added.
3. Review Blogs
Consumers love review style blogs. The internet has become the main source of information for products and services and reviews are extremely popular. You can use done for you content to put together review style blogs, particularly in the ecommerce industry.
There are several PLR sellers who create this type of content, so you’ll want to purchase the reviews that you want and then I’d add more information to them.
How do you do that?
Take a look at my Heart Health PLR Bundle.

It has 5 Product Reviews on products that make healthy snacks:
Healthy Snack Product Reviews
- Euro Cuisine YM80 Yogurt Maker (455 words)
- Nesco FD-75A Snackmaster Pro Food Dehydrator (443 words)
- Presto 04820 PopLite Hot Air Popper (457 words)
- The Bost Sweets Silicone Cupcake Liner (422 words)
- Zoku Classic Pop Molds (437 words)
You can take the content and use it as a foundation of the product review. It has all of the general information, but you’ll want to provide information to unanswered questions to each one.
Let’s take the Food Dehydrator and use it as an example.
I would start with Answer The Public again and see what type of questions people have.
Here are a few that people want answered. These are questions that you could find, but it would take research and going to several different sites:
- are food dehydrator healthy
- are food dehydrators worth it
- are food dehydrators safe
- are food dehydrators expensive to run
- what are food dehydrator
- can food dehydrators catch fire
- do food dehydrators use a lot of electricity
- do food dehydrators work
- can i leave a food dehydrator unattended
- what can a food dehydrator make
As you can see safety is one of the number one questions about using a food dehydrator but that wouldn’t be covered in the product review that is in my product, so dig deeper to find these answers for your readers.
Another place I’d look is Amazon reviews. See what people have talked about – their concerns, what they liked, what they’d like to change, if there are any other recommendations instead of this particular products.
Your goal is to make a comprehensive product review so that people can make an educated buying decision. That is why they’re going to your site.
4. How-To Posts or Tutorials
You can use PLR to create awesome how to style blogs. You can tweak the content from multiple pre-written blogs, putting it all together for an in-depth how to post.
These types of posts are going to teach people how to do some type of action.
You can take a done-for-you content post that you already own and add steps, as well as screenshots of how to accomplish those steps.
By adding steps to a blog post – you’ve turned a regular blog post into a how-to. Then you can add screenshots for a tutorial or a video.
If you teach people about WordPress then you’ll want to check out Courtney Chowning at Brandable Tech because she has excellent done-for-you content for that niche.
Another person who creates excellent tutorials, but in a different format is (done-for-you video tutorials) is Charles Harper and his topics range.
Check out these three different video packs you can purchase:

Sell Your Creations With Etsy would be an awesome product to use because people want to buy and sell on Etsy.
Plus take a look at this article that has gone through the top 100 sites visited in 2020. Etsy is on it.

We all know that 2020 has been a year that a lot of industries are struggling. People are being laid off and they’re looking for ways to earn more money because of this eLearning is growing like crazy.
Show them how to use a platform like Teachable and then share your affiliate link to earn recurring commission.

Once people have set up their first product on Teachable or any shopping cart platform, they’ll want to start using funnels.
Funnels will bring in more money per sale.
You can use the step-by-step video tutorials or take the full video transcripts to create tutorials on these topics.
With these types of done-for-you product it is easy to set up a membership site, video library for your customers or add them to your site to help your readers.
You can also take a challenge and create a how-to post out of it. This is a great strategy because you can take a few steps out of the challenge, add them as a how-to and then link to the full challenge for your readers to purchase.
Let’s take a look how to do this. The following topics are from my Water Drinking Challenge:
- Intro to the Water Drinking Challenge (449 words)
- Day 1: Prep For Your Water Drinking Challenge (503 words)
- Day 2: Benefits of Drinking More Water (538 words)
- Day 3: Calculate How Much Water You Need (506 words)
- Day 4: Introduce More Water-Based Foods (443 words)
- Day 5: How to Drink More Water (542 words)
- Day 6: Try Fruit-Infused Water (551 words)
- Day 7: Tips For Tracking Your Daily Water Intake (448 words)
For a how-to blog post take a few of these topics like day 1, day 3, day 5 and day 6 – read the content and write a short paragraph about each one. Then link to the full water drinking challenge that you offer.
Combine the Water Challenge with the Infused Water For Better Health Blog Series & Marketing Kit.

With both of these packs you’ll be able to provide some valuable information when people want to start drinking more water for their health.
5. Lists
These types of blogs tend to perform really well. Putting together a “top 10” list using pre-written blogs is quick and easy.
Here are the steps you’ll want to include:
- Pick a topic
- Outline the main headings for your top 5, 7 or 10 (etc) blog
- Find PLR related to this topic (that you own or that you can purchase)
- Copy and paste relevant content into your outline
- Once you have all the content you’d want go through it and personalize, add stories, and provide resources.
- Add an intro and conclusion
- Make sure the article reads smooth
- Add it to your blog
- Schedule the content
- Share with your audience
- Market the blog in other ways
When you’re creating your list make sure that the bullet points are in a logical order and then once you’ve done that you’ll want to make sure that each main point goes into depth.
That’s what I’ve done with this article. I could have left it at a list with very little information because I let people know how to use PLR but I went into more depth so that you can visual and understand how to take it from a mere idea or suggestion to an actionable tip.
People love lists because it is easy to glance at the article and get the overall theme and facts of the content, plus they’re easy to read. and so does the search engines, so creating lists for you blog should be on the top of your list to do.
6. Infographics
Using the information provided in the blogs of your content pack, you could create infographic-style posts. These are visually appealing and more likely to generate more shares.
You might think that infographics are hard to create, but they’re not and you can find free or paid graphic software that you can use to create them quickly.
Here is a tutorial that I’ve done to show you how to easily create an infographic from done-for-you content.
What I like about this type of content is that it doesn’t have tons of content. You can take the main concept and then add bullets to make a powerful and eye-catching graphic.
You can use Canva to create them and it is free. They provide hundreds of templates for you to pick from. All you have to do is exchange your content and images for the ones in their templates.
It doesn’t take long to create a beautiful infographic.
Check it out:

I found a free infographic template on Canva and change it to make it the way that I wanted it. Here is what it looked like before:

I used one of Trish Lindemood’s recipes and food images from Kitchen Bloggers and make a beautiful infographic.
This might not be a traditional type of infographic but that really is the beauty of owning your own business, you don’t have to follow what others do. You can make something completely unique.
It is simple and quick to put together. Something that I could repeat with every recipe or I could easily teach someone else how to do it.
How many people do you think would repin or save this on Pinterest? How about share on Facebook or another social media platform?
That’s what we want, our PLR working for us!
If you want to do something similar on a consistent basis take a look at Trish’s Monthly Bite Sized Bundle Membership and use Coupon Code: APRIL7 to save on the first month.
Then with an infographic like this you could also use it as a printable on your site under the recipe blog post.
7. Videos
If you want to make your pre-written blogs really unique, consider adding videos. You can expand upon the things mentioned in the content or put together a short tutorial to complement it.
These are just some of the different ways you can use done for you content for your blog. While you don’t need to edit pre-written content too much, the more you do the more unique the content will be.
Consider utilizing the methods above to make your PLR more effective. You can also take a look at my vast range of content packs available to get content onto your blog quickly.
Would you like to know more about video marketing? Check out Alice Seba and Damon Greene’s Grow Your Traffic and List With Video Training
There are so many different places that you can find PLR to use and create your own products:
Coach Glue – Workshops, Training Courses, Workbooks
Go big and take one of their workshops and record a training for your audience or look through the workbook and then record yourself explaining how to use it. Even though workbooks should be self-explanatory having someone walk you through how to use it will actually help people use it. I bought a blog planner and she did that and I loved it.

Content Sparks – Training Courses
The courses at Content Sparks can be used for a signature course or a quick training. She’s got several different types that you can offer your list.

KitchenBloggers – Paleo Recipes
You can do this a couple of different ways. Create a video with you making the recipes or take a few of the images that are offered, then create a few Powerpoint slides – ingredient list, instructions (one step per slide) and then tell them how to create the recipe
Createful Journals – Weekly Blog Planner
Sue has several planners that you can brand. Find one that works for your audience and then walk them through how to use the planner. People will place more value on this type of planner – you can give it to them as part of the planner or you can use the training as an upsell. Both options work.
Video can be intimidating and even scary, but it creates a different type of connection with your audience. They’ll feel like they know you more. Being scared is fine, but if you believe that this is the next step to grow your business — do it scared. It’ll get easier each time.
A few years ago I gave myself a goal to do 30 videos in 30 days. I thought I was going to put them up on one of my sites, but that never happened. I did take so much away from it though. I learned it wasn’t as scary as I thought, I also learned where to put notes and still be able to look into the camera, I learned a little about lighting and so much more.
So even though these videos never made it online – they still helped me tremendously.
Lead Magnets
A great way to get the most out of done for you content is to use it to create lead magnets. While adding the content to blogs is the easiest method, using it for lead magnets can be more effective.
So, what kind of lead magnets could you create? Let’s look at some ideas you might not have thought of…
8. Landing page
If you’re looking to sell products or services, a landing page is essential. PLR content can help you put together a detailed, high-quality page to attract plenty more customers.
9. Subscriptions
You can also use pre-written content to increase subscriptions. This could be a subscription to your newsletter or email list. Offer PLR content as a reward for signing up.
10. Mini eBooks
Creating a mini eBook is an awesome lead magnet idea. Many of my done for you content packs come with free eBook cover templates you can use to get started.
11. Ultimate guides
When you purchase a content pack, you can utilize it into one long ultimate guide. These can then be used as an incentive for your audience.
12. Reports
Providing free reports to your audience is an excellent lead magnet idea. Save time with my pre-written content packs which come with free reports you can use almost immediately.
13. Bonus content
A great way to make PLR content effective, is to offer it as bonus content to your audience. It could be part of an offer where they buy a product and receive bonus content as an incentive.
14. Checklists
People love actionable content, so why not create checklists you can offer as a lead magnet? If you want to save time, look out for my content packs that come with checklists included. These are ready to use, although you can tweak them a little to make them unique to you.
15. Workbooks
If you want to provide even more value in your lead magnets, workbooks are a great idea. Use the content provided in the pack to compile a workbook your audience can utilize.
16. Webinars
You’ll find webinars are great for attracting a larger audience. Using PLR, you can record a webinar taking important points from the content and expanding upon it.
17. Email marketing
Did you know most of my PLR packs come with pre-written emails too? These allow you to market your content to your email list.
At Niche Starter Packs, my pre-written content packs typically come with royalty free images and pre-designed covers. These are great to use to create visually appealing lead magnets.
Content Upgrades
A content upgrade is very similar to a lead magnet, but it offers a very specific piece of content to your readers to get them to opt-in to your list and is designed with a blog post in mind.
Content upgrades could be:
18. Grocery list
if you’re a food, lifestyle, mom or health blogger and share recipes. Then you could also provide a shopping list for people to download and use to help them save time.
19. Children’s activities
this could be a game, coloring page or challenge for a child. I’ve signed up for all three of these types of upgrades. One was a multiplication game since my son is very competitive and I knew he’d love it. Another was a 30 day lego challenge. It had a 30-day calendar and then on each day it gave a fun thing for the child to build.
20. Mockups
if you teach about creating products mockups are an important part of the sales or product page and most people don’t know how to create them.
21. PDF of the blog post
this one is easy to do because you can turn the blog post into a PDF and then offer it as a content upgrade so that your reader can download and read the article at any time.
22. Additional tips
you can expand on the article and give a few more bonus tips if they sign up send them a report on 3, 5 or 7 more tips on the topic.
23. Cheatsheet –
Content Upgrade Examples
Need another fun idea? This one is a content upgrade idea for the Save Money bundle or you could also add an image to your social media platform and ask for engagement. It is a fun one – 52 Week Money Saving Challenge Bingo Style.
I’ve seen some of the weekly savings printable and some of them require as much money as I used to earn in a week. The bingo style would allow people to pick how much they could contribute each week. Here is an example of a Savings Bingo Printable. (please don’t copy, but use as inspiration for your own printable)
You’d need to create the printable and then make sure to mention it throughout the articles or at the end of the article(s) you could say, “I created a fun and easy Savings Bingo printable – download below. On Monday’s we meet in my social media group here to be accountable. Start anytime or just come and see what others are doing.”
Over the last few days I’ve picked a done-for-you content pack and have given you a fun idea that you can do with it. Today I picked the DFY Cooking Spices Content. I love my spices but I’d prefer to make my own. I know that I’m not the only one.
I’d create a spice mixes sheet for you audience and use it as a content upgrade or an opt-in.
Here are three examples that you can use:
I wanted to show you different ones because you might not have access to those specific images or any images at all. Don’t get discouraged and think you can’t create a fun and useful sheet for your audience. One of these doesn’t even have images except for the logo and it looks great and is very helpful.
There is at least one article in this content bundle that you can use for this type of printable: Seven Great Spice Mixes to Make.
So grab the DFY Cooking Spices Content. (Coupon Code 2020) and make your printable today
You can save 52% on select done-for-you packs all throughout the month.
You can always check what deal is going on with this main page: (Use coupon code: 2020)
Profit from PLR
While lead magnets are typically offered for free, there are ways to profit from PLR.
Some great ideas you can use right now to start profiting from done for you content include:
23. eBooks
You can use eBooks to build up your reputation as an expert in your field. PLR packs give you plenty of content you can use to help develop an in-depth e-Book which you can then sell on to your audience.
If you’re trying to help your audience achieve something, providing challenges is a great idea. People love to work towards challenges as it helps to keep them focused and motivated.
Some of my packs come with pre-written challenges you can use. However, you could also use the content to create your own.
Planners are particularly popular in this digital age. Helping your audience to become more organized, they can provide a lot of value. Pre-written content can easily be used to create planners, especially packs which contain royalty free images.
Physical products
If you’re looking for a unique way to profit from PLR, offering physical products is a good idea. This includes published books, DVDs and video tutorials.
With done for you content packs, you can create in-depth eBooks to sell to your list. As mentioned earlier, some of my packs contain eBook cover templates, alongside high-quality articles. So, with one pack you could have everything you need to offer a value-packed eBook to your audience.
When most people think of newsletters they have the impression that they are all free, but they’re not and they make a great recurring income stream.
I am on a list from Ben Settle and he has a paid newsletter all about email marketing.

One thing that makes his newsletter unique is that he mails them to his customers. These newsletters are $97 because he’s an expert at email marketing.
Creating and selling a newsletter is easy with done-for-you content. You’ll want to decide what the goal of your newsletter is going to be, how many articles it will have and how long each article type is going to be.
Then each month use the PLR you’ve purchased or have in order to create the newsletter.
Another way is to buy done-for-you newsletters that are already done.
Done-For-You Personal Development Newsletter
Alice Seba at Publish For Prosperity offers a personal development themed newsletter called Newsletter Club. This is what you’ll get every month:
4 Done-for-You Newsletters in 3 Unique Designs
You’ll get 4 done-for-you newsletters with 3 attractive designs to choose from.

16 Ready-to-Publish Articles
Choose from 16 different articles to use in your newsletters.

8 Inspirational Quote Graphics
Add these quote graphics to the newsletters for inspiration. JPG and PSDs are included.

8 Positive Affirmation Graphics
Add these affirmation graphics to the newsletters for inspiration. JPG and PSDs are included.

If you’re in the personal development niche this monthly membership will work very well for you.
Done-For-You Business/Internet Marketing Newsletter
Another done-for-you newsletter is put together by a husband and wife due, Nick and Kate James called The Internet Marketing Newsletter.
This one offers content on internet marketing and would work well for most business niches.
These are professionally designed newsletters and you’ll get several different options to download and use them including to rebrand and download as a PDF, download as a PDF (this is for read only I like to download to see what is inside without taking up tons of storage space), fully designed Word doc, and raw source files.
One feature that I really like about these done-for-you newsletters is that Nick and Kate have incorporated ways for you to earn an affiliate commission. They interview someone that has a product and print the interview in the newsletter. Then they provide you with the sales page and affiliate information for you to sign up to get your affiliate link.
Take a look at one of their more recent newsletters. Isn’t it beautiful and professionally designed?

It doesn’t stop for the cover they design the entire newsletter for you. You can leave it like it is or you can change it up. Change the colors, add your logo, change out their call to action pages for a different one or a product of yours.

Add more content to the already jam packed newsletter.
This is done-for-you content so you can use it exactly like they have it designed or break it down into email autoresponders, social media tips or blog posts.
Check out what you’ll get each month:

These are two done-for-you newsletters that you can use to take all the hard work out for you. You just have to:
Download. Personalize. Use As Your Own.
By personalizing your content it is going to make it more unique.
Also remember that many of my content packs come with royalty-free images, I also recommend adding your own unique images. This again will help your content stand out from the crowd.
I’ve been using a stock photo membership called Ivory Mix lately and love them. They have TONS of photos that work well with my audience.

Above I’ve provided some ways to profit from PLR content. It’s worth keeping in mind that if you do plan to sell the content in any form, please remember that most PLR sellers do not allow you to give away PLR rights to your customers. This means that you can’t send editable files to them and they’ll get personal use rights only.
Did you know PLR can also help to boost engagement? If you’re looking to keep your audience coming back for more, you’ll want to ensure you’re providing maximum engagement.
So, how can done for you content help with this? Let’s look at some examples below…
Social media engagement
When you post pre-written content onto your blog or website, you have the potential to market it through social media.
Many of my content packs content pre-written social media posts you can instantly use to promote the content. Social media platforms give you access to a huge number of potential customers. So, don’t forget to utilize its power through PLR content.
Nurture sequence
One great benefit of pre-done content is that it can help to engage customers directly. By creating a nurturing sequence, it gives you the opportunity to keep your audience engaged even when they aren’t on your website.
My PLR packs come with pre-written emails designed to market the content. This takes a lot of hard work out of the process, helping you to engage them almost instantly.
Guest blogging
Creating guest blogs using PLR content is another great engagement tip. When you post elsewhere, it helps to generate more traffic on your own site. The bigger your site gets, the more your audience will come back for more.
Make Sure your audience doesn’t forget about you and your products by sending them regular newsletters. You can re-purpose PLR content by taking sections and compiling it into a newsletter format.
Post about current trends
Your audience is going to keep coming back for more if you provide them with timely updates. Keep on top of industry trends and focus on PLR packs that fit in with them. You could also tweak existing PLR content to include new, updated trends your audience might want to follow.
Include personal stories and experiences
Although pre-written content can provide high-quality, information to your audience, personal experience generates much more engagement. Add your own stories and personal experiences into the content for maximum engagement potential.
As you can see, there are so many awesome ways to use PLR. Whether you’re looking to build up your brand, earn additional income or boost sales, done for you content can help.
Check out my varied PLR packs available here.