Mega Pre-Written Marketing Content Bundle
In this Mega Marketing PLR Bundle, you’ll be able to teach your audience on a variety of different topics such as podcasting, market research and networking
As well as the critical role it plays in any business.
In order for businesses to be successful, they need to learn to market to their target market. The first step is to identify which group – men, women, and seniors.his can be confusing for a lot of people.
This can be confusing for a lot of people.
They can use this information to really understand and motivates their market. When they understand this – they can sell the right product to the right person. If they are just guessing they are wasting a lot of precious time and possibly money.
Trying to “be everything to everyone” approach is really tough on small business owners and bloggers. They need to narrow down more and by understand who they want to target will catapult their business.
The Mega Marketing PLR Bundle will help you teach your audience how to market specifically to men, women, and seniors. They all think, act and need different things.
In this Mega Marketing PLR Bundle you’ll get:
- 10-Day Marketing to Men eCourse
- 13-Page The Secrets of Success in Marketing to Men report
- 10-Day Marketing to Women eCourse
- 18-Page Secrets to Marketing to Women Report
- 10-Day Marketing to Seniors eCourse
- 12-page Marketing to Senior Citizens Report
This MEGA Marketing PLR Bundle Is ONLY $47!
Section 1 – Marketing Opt-In Reports
You’ll get three different reports on marketing to – men, women, and seniors. These reports are going to help you grow your subscriber list.
Use them as a lead magnet in your business and teach others how to correctly market to their target audience whether it is seniors, women, or men.
Here’s what you’ll get in each report:
The Secrets of Success in Marketing to Men report
Secrets to Marketing to Women Report
Marketing to Senior Citizens Report
But this isn’t all you’ll get….
Section 2 – Marketing eCourses
This section is where you’re going to follow up with everyone who opt-in with the reports. You’ll be able to give them a 10-Day eCourse.
April’s Advice:
There are a few ways that you can use this page. Instead of creating a thank you and download page for each of these opt-ins make a sales page for a $7 or $17 item. Use these eCourses as your product. This is the perfect time to have people transition from your subscriber list to buyer’s list.
The best part? You’ll get three eCourses so that you can create a sales page for each opt-in!
This is a great combo of an opt-in and then a low-cost entry product. The more extras you include to the eCourse the more you can charge. Options might be a checklist, resources, examples and daily videos.
Here’s what you’ll get in each eCourse:
Marketing to Men eCourse
Title Topics:
Email Day 1 – Tips for marketing to young men (566 words)
Email Day 2 – Marketing to single men (514 words)
Email Day 3 – Marketing to middle-aged men (481 words)
Email Day 4 – Marketing to men with children (468 words)
Email Day 5 – Tips for marketing to retired men (502 words)
Email Day 6 – Marketing to affluent men (466 words)
Email Day 7 – Tips for marketing girly products to men (511 words)
Email Day 8 – Emotional triggers that men respond to (509 words)
Email Day 9 – Four mistakes to avoid when marketing to men (530 words)
Email Day 10 – Tips for marketing to men globally
Get in both Text and Word Format
Marketing to Women eCourse
Title Topics:
1.) Marketing to Married Women (610 words)
2.) Marketing to Single Women (612 words)
3.) Marketing to Women with Children (627 words)
4.) Marketing to Women without Children (632 words)
5.) Tips for Marketing to Middle-Aged Women (598 words)
6.) Tips for Marketing to Retired Women (595 words)
7.) Tips for Marketing to Senior Women (598 words)
8.) Tips for Marketing to Stay-at-Home Women (633 words)
9.) Tips for Marketing to Working Women (628 words)
10.) Tips for Marketing to Young Women (618 words)
Get in both Text and Word Format
Marketing to Seniors eCourse
Titles Topics:
Email Day 1 : Design tips for making your website senior-friendly (526 word)
Email Day 2 : 9 common mistakes when marketing to seniors (583 word)
Email Day 3 : 7 content marketing tips for attracting seniors (453 word)
Email Day 4 : Tips for marketing to senior men (556 word)
Email Day 5 : Tips for marketing to senior women (520 word)
Email Day 6 : Tips for marketing to grandparents (619 word)
Email Day 7 : Tips for marketing to wealthy seniors (548 word)
Email Day 8 : Tips for marketing to new retirees (483 word)
Email Day 9 : Tips for marketing to seniors who never use computers (685 word)
Email Day 10 : Tips for marketing to senior entrepreneurs (491 word)
Get in both Text and Word Format
Take advantage of this Business Article Combo for this price because this is only going to last a few days. This bundle will help you increase subscribers and educate your readers about marketing to specific groups.
This MEGA Marketing PLR Bundle Is ONLY $47!
All PLR Products that you purchase from me are non-refundable.
PLR Rights Terms:
1. Don’t pass on PLR rights to anyone, so your customers only get personal use rights.
2. Do not put my name on it.
Please note – this is PLR that I have bought a special license to sell. But rest assured It is high-quality content. I provide it because I want to make sure my customers get the opportunity to purchase what they need, when they need it. Make sure you don’t own this already. I will always let you know if a pack is under special license or not.
Tags: Business PLR, business pre-written content, done for you content, IM PLR, internet marketing PLR, PLR, pre-written content, pre-written report, private label rights
Business PLR, Done-For-You CategoriesPosted in