Tag Archives: plr deals

Health and Wellness PLR Membership & How To Get It To Get More Opt-Ins

Today Susie and Geoff O’de over at Master PLR launched their Health and Wellness PLR Membership and they are giving it away at a steal for only $10 per month! Check out what you’ll get: 10 High-Quality Articles 10 Social Media Posters eBook Created From the Articles with Graphics Professional Read More

3 Self Motivation Tips, Plus Top 10 PLR Roundup

Over the last few days I’ve noticed that people are posting on Facebook and talking a lot about motivation.  I’m not sure what it is, but it seems to be on a lot of people’s minds. So how do you get your tasks done when you just don’t have the Read More

Lead Generation PLR

When you’re in business lead generation is a big part of it.  If you don’t know how to generate leads you’re going to go out of business.  No matter if you’re calling it traffic, readers, customers or clients they are all leads. If you teach bloggers, entrepreneurs or business owners Read More

Self Doubt PLR

NEW Overcoming Self Doubt PLR Is a MUST For Anyone Helping People Online

As an online entrepreneur what would you say was the most important characteristic to become a successful online marketer? Do you think it is investing money into your business? What about the right connections?  Those are important, right? Those aren’t actually the most important – not money or who you Read More

Paleo for Athletes PLR Pack – Rachel Youngson

Rachel Youngson is offering a health PLR on paleo. She offers high quality products and this one is no different. This one is great for anyone that helps athletes. She has angled the slant towards people who want to eat the paleo way that are participate in high intensity exercise. Read More