Category Archives: Business Tools & Resources


ConvertKit Review

ConvertKit Review There’s absolutely no denying the fact that if you wish to be highly profitable online, you MUST build an email list. Selling to warm leads and existing customers is far easier than trying to convert cold visitors (prospects). This is why you see marketers constantly parroting the quote, Read More

5 Amazing Websites & Tools To Inspire Content Ideas

5 Amazing Websites & Tools To Inspire Content Ideas (& The Best Way To Utilize Them) I don’t know about you but some days, it’s a struggle to create and publish good content.  That’s why I use done-for-you content and different websites and tools for inspiration. You can use these Read More


Productivity Planner: Brendon Burchard’s Daily Planner Review

Productivity Planner: Brendon Burchard’s Daily Planner Review When you’re in business for yourself you’ve got to make sure that you’re productive while you’re working so this year I purchased a Productivity Planner bundle from Brendon Burchard that he uses with his high-performance academy students. I heard about this daily productivity Read More


Proven Title Generating Software Techniques That Work

Proven Title Generating Software Techniques That Work When it comes to content creation, it’s a huge task trying to come up with new topic titles…especially ones that get clicks and generate interest. It’s easy to get stuck for ideas; particularly if you create a large amount of content each month. Read More

Title Generating Software You Want

How to Start Using The Title Generator Software​ Fresh Title Yesterday I told you about a tool that I’ve been using more.  The tool is called Fresh Title which is a title generator software. This software has helped me come up with email subject lines that I test and then I’ll use Read More


Repeatable Business Systems are the Key to Success

Repeatable Business Systems are the Key to Success Over the last two years I’ve learned that systems are key to being consistent and being able to stop something I”m working on and then pick it up the next time without taking a lot of time figuring out where I was Read More