Simple Sales Funnel Idea With Example
Want to create a simple sales funnel? Funnels are an important part of your online business, but a lot of people don’t know how to create one. There really isn’t a right or wrong way to make a funnel. Even if you give a group of people the exact same content they can all set it up different based on what their goals of their business and the funnel are.

Use Inspiration To Your Advantage & Don’t Quit :)
This morning I started writing my email and decided to talk about how you could use the content you’ve just purchased for simple funnels in your business. I know that I have PLR on this exact topic and I knew you would benefit from the content. I intended to create an email series over the next few days.
Inspiration struck!

Building a Simple Funnel From PLR Content
One way to use PLR is to build funnels. I love funnels. Why? Because they help your audience with their next step, and they’ll add revenue in your business.
Just be careful that you don’t get stuck on needing an entire funnel before you release anything. I’ve done that before. It is okay to slowly grow your funnels out.
I love that you can use PLR to build a simple opt-in funnel. I’m going to go through the process so you can see how simple it is to do using private label rights content.

5 Powerful Ways To Use Challenges In Your Business
5 Powerful Ways To Use Challenges In Your BusinessBack in October I started a Monthly 5-Day Challenge Content Club in the personal development or self-help niche. These challenges offer bite-size opportunities for you audience and others to get to know you over the course of a few days. There are several Read More

How To Create a 30 Day Journal With the Kick Your Negative Thoughts To The Curb Printables
How To Create a 30 Day Journal With the Kick Your Negative Thoughts To The Curb PrintablesPrintables are a great way to grow your list and earn money, but creating them can be time-consuming especially with all of the day to day activities you do as a business owner. This is Read More

Blog Idea: Share Important Tip
Content Blog Slant Idea: Share The Most Important Just Starting Out Tip with Your ReadersAs a coach, blogger, or entrepreneuer it is essential to blog consistently, but then the ideas start to dry up. Using PLR helps, but you don’t want to just post the content on your site as Read More

ConvertKit Review
ConvertKit Review There’s absolutely no denying the fact that if you wish to be highly profitable online, you MUST build an email list. Selling to warm leads and existing customers is far easier than trying to convert cold visitors (prospects). This is why you see marketers constantly parroting the quote, Read More

How To Set Up a Funnel Using PLR
How to set up a funnel using plrDo you struggle with figuring out what goes in a funnel? You want to set one up in your business you just don’t know how. I’ve got you covered!Here is a Goal Setting Funnel that you can use in your business. Take a Read More
How To Make The Most Out of The Procrastination Planner & Printables
How To Make The Most Out of The Procrastination Planner & Printables People have suffered from procrastination since as early as Greek times. Why? Because it’s easy to procrastinate. We can simply put off the task until later. According to Joseph Ferrari, a professor of psychology, “around 20 percent of Read More

What Does PLR Stand For?
What Does PLR Stand For? Find Out With This Blog Post and Why It’s So Powerful…
Different people use different terms such as white label, ready-made, pre-written, ready-to-use, commercial use, and brandable. All of these refer to the same type of content and products.